
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Surveys and generalizations

Surveys and generalizations is an app product of CF4IT company
And is designed to help users create or register Generalizations or Surveys and send it to other users, you can use this service in several areas, including the dissemination of information or action questionnaires for multiple purposes, whether that was the purpose of administrative or marketing, social or scientific Research
1. Can the application users to create Generalizations and Surveys .
2. The application offers users stats for Generalizations and show ratios for (the circular saw and those who have not watched).
3. Application users can add polls and adding questions her and dissemination of Surveys to employees through the interface deployment easy and simple.
4. The application offers four types of questions (single selection - multiple choice - rating question - a question
5. The application offers users stats for Surveys and show ratios for (who answered and who did not answer).
6. The application enables users to add comments to the circulars and referendums.
7. Application users can add branches and departments and staff.
8. The application creates a password and a user name when you add the employee and the employee by sending them your email .
9. Application users can create groups of employees and publish Generalization and Surveys for them.
10. Can the application users to add permissions to other users.
11. The application showing statistics on current package (what has been consumed and the remaining of the Generalization and Surveys and the remainder of the package as a whole).
12. The application allows the user to restore Surveys and Generalizations that have been deleted.
13. The application is available in both Arabic and English.
14. enables users to change the password.
15. The application allows users to publish Generalizations and Surveys on the social networking sites.
16. Application users can restore there password.
17. Application users can change there password